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by: IVD Industry Connectivity Consortium
Chicago, IL – Wednesday, September 5, 2018- The IVD Industry Connectivity Consortium™ (IICC) today announced a new initiative to verify the applicability of its LAW Profile to microbiology. The Laboratory Analytical Workflow Profile (LAW) defines the physical connection, message definitions (based on the HL7 Messaging Standard v2.5.1), and workflow definitions between instruments, middleware, and LIS systems in the laboratory. The IVD Industry Connectivity Consortium will start a new working group open to its members to establish that the existing IHE LAW profile (CLSI AUTO16) can be used by microbiology middleware. The expected outcome will be a guidance document describing how to implement the IHE LAW profile between microbiology instruments and LISs and middleware. If warranted, the working group will submit a change proposal to the IHE PaLM (Pathology and Laboratory Medicine) domain in order to update the LAW profile to accommodate specific microbiology requirements.
IICC collaborated with the IHE Pathology and Laboratory Medicine (PaLM) domain to develop the LAW Profile. LAW is currently being implemented by all major IVD companies.
For more information on the IVD Industry Connectivity Consortium and the IICC/IHE Laboratory Analytical Workflow (LAW) go to:
Contact: Serge Jonnaert
President – IVD Industry Connectivity Consortium
T: +1(949)259-3807